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Peeem – The Next Generation Anonymous Social Messenger

PeeeM is the next generation secure and Anonymous messaging platform which proposes fresh behaviors like one to one connecting or by the group around shared causes, interests or the locations. A large number of the users have shared their PeeeM ID on FB or Twitter safely to get connected. PeeeM, earlier in October 2014, has announced its app which is currently available on the iTune App Store for the Apple users and also at Google Play for the Android devices.

This year, the CEO and co founder of the PeeeM, Christophe de Courson, in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress 2015 happeing during the first week of the March, will be announcing a new feature for its service. PeeeM has created the first secure, anonymous, open messaging platform of its own kind and also brought in the behaviours likes connecting one to one anonymously or by the group around shared causes, locations or interests. The users can, on FaceBook or Twitter, share their PeeeM IDs to launch friendly chats, creative collaboration or affinity groups.

Peeem Messenger

PeeeM, also combines, which has raised $300,000 from Business Angels for expansion in the U.S., an innovative peer-to-peer (P2P) file transfer feature which enables any type of file like audio, images, videos or other formats to be shared securely between groups or individuals.

PeeeM offers the users with a unique PMiD, PeeeM Identifier, and it does not require any phone number, e-mail or address book sharing. PeeeM platform does not include any ads or marketing campaigns. This Anonymous Social Sharing Messenger has been created with the methodology of privacy by design that is why no information is stored on the servers of the company. A previous version of the PeeeM has generated more than two million users around the globe, together with more than one million messages on daily basis and an average of 350000 daily connections. PeeeM has a particular focus on the 13 to 20 years old market and is also targeted towards the users of all ages, which is representing the approximate 65% of the total use base. Around 60 percent of the PeeeM users are the females. Dissimilar to existing chat services like WhatsApp, or the ephemeral services like SnapChat, the platform of the PeeeM enables the users for PeeeM integration with content or other applications similar to forums, games or basic P2P communication. PeeeM offers truly anonymous communication contradicting the Skype, and integrates elegantly the file transfer into the communication with the help of a customized interface.


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