These solutions will be demonstrated at MWC, Barcelona starting from march 2nd till march 5th. Using the solutions offered by TactoTek 3D control panels can be created by brands which will have advanced touch control and illumination options. The controls would be provided for reducing assembly time as well as depth, thus resulting in wearables that are flexible enough and capable of distributing electronics without depending up on the traditional central processing unit. The solutions can provide better lighting without requiring any light pipes. They also feature increased durability and better shapes. All the prototypes and products of TactoTek are manufactured in its Oulu factory in Finland which is well equipped with all the production capabilities and can perform mass production. It can be certified to facilities that are TactoTek certified.
For facilitating customer transition to electronics design it works in association with the customers. This helps it in adapting the structural electronics in its design and producing prototypes that are well optimized and mass production ready. TactoTek aims at integrating electronic components and printed circuits in to 3D plastics in order to produce designs that are good in rigidity and flexibility. Chairman of IDtechEx – Dr. Peter Harrop said that the 100 year old components are not capable of serving today’s IoT and Wearable devices. What is required is the new TactoTek solutions that are structural, rugged and lightweight. These would prove absolutely essential for electrical vehicles.
TactoTek is currently trending in the field of 3D designs. The benefits TactoTek technology provides include space – efficiency, light weighetness, freedom of design and of course durability. Be it lighting features, integrated circuits, controls, sensors or antennae, TactoTek stands out everywhere. It doesn’t matter what is trending in the market now – electric vehicles or IoT wearables, what matters is that we always resources for next – gen electronics capable of driving this demand. Solutions that incorporate design and intelligence together and can be produced in rapid cycles are highly desirable. CEO TactoTek – Jussi Harvela said that this is the goal of TactoTek. He assured that there products will keep their customers on the competition’s edge. TactoTek is backed by VTT Ventures, Conor Ventures, TEKES and private angels.