On being questioned an Apple spokesperson said, that though Apple is excited about Beats joining team Apple, but it has to some overlapping of operations. It was also stated the offers were are for limited period, and Apple is trying very hard to accommodate as many as possible, Beats employees into another permanent job within Apple. So technically Apple is not cutting any jobs but looking for replacement but it needs to be seen how many of the employees actually manages to scrape through. Hopefully the final tally will be much less than 200 as projected.
It was also reported that Apple has set up a hotline to its Human Resource division, in order to help the employees who are affected by the transition. Apple plans to keep Beats’ Santa Monica headquarters after the buyout is finalized, with some of the Beats Music employees working there. The temporary positions might be eliminated by the end of January, hence it seems that the employees have to really work hard and prove their expertise all over again, in order to stick around. Along with this it was to be noted that Beats Music CEO Ian Rogers might join Apple’s along with Dr. Dre and Jimmy Lovine.
Now it needs to be seen whether Apple honors its word and reabsorbs the employees, or does the employees lose out the beat.