Marvel releases ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ second Trailer. Watch it Here. Avengers: Age of Ultron is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers, produced by...
Selma is a very bold movie made which revolves around the life of Martin Luther King Jr. He was an icon and a great leader with wisdom and a talent for inspirational speeches and love for the people of America and he...
Hunger Games is an American Fiction film. This is based on a series of novels whose author is Suzanne Collins. This writer has collaborated with the directors to write the screenplay of the film. Mockingjay is the third...
The Interview is the new comedy show which has got Sony hacking scandal in the free promotion of the drama. It is a very easy to get in the drama between movie starts and studio executives about if really the Sony’s new...
The Hobbit which is a master piece by J. R. R. Tolkien is brought to the screens as a visual treat by Peter Jackson and transfers the audiences in to the middle earth where it all happens. The three part series of The...
Annie is a modern day remake of the 1982 American musical comedy which is an adaptation of a Broadway musical with the same name. This movie has a huge star cast and directed by an Ace director and with Will Smith as...
Lingaa is superstar Rajinikanth’s come back movie after a two year hiatus and it has been released on his birthday which makes it even more special. It has been released worldwide around 5000 screens in Tamil and Telugu...
Paul Thomas Anderson is one of the finest directors of our generation and this movie – Inherent Vice is his first adaptation of a novel by Thomas Pynchon and his seventh Hollywood feature film. The movie rotates...
Top Five is a visual treat for the viewers. It is a combination of Romance and Comedy which ensures maximum fun and entertainment throughout the movie. Chris Rock is quite phenomenal with the story and his directing...