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EDCH’s Recharge Anywhere, grabs the limelight in MWC

This year’s Mobile World Congress had been the platform for many innovative ideas. Emirates Data Clearing House brought another such innovation to the fore. EDCH is a roaming and Revenue management company that was established in 1994. The products designed by EDCH allow mobile operators to provide enhanced user experience to their users while keeping the operational cost low. This time EDCH will unveil its International Transaction Platform. This platform will allow consumers to recharge their prepaid phones and conduct other mobile money transactions even while roaming. This will be a huge advantage to mobile network operators, especially in the countries where prepaid customers are in majority.

EDCH at Mobile World Congress 2015

As of now, in order to recharge a prepaid mobile account, the user needs to be in their home network. So, while traveling, or for extended vacations, their mobile phones become completely useless. The Recharge Anywhere platform will solve this problem, once and for all. The platform gives mobile network operators the means to deliver financial services to their subscribers by seamlessly plugging into existing mobile infrastructure and using the existing value added service delivery platforms

““Telecom is playing an increasingly important role in our societies with both financial and socio-economic benefits and helping these communities to aspire and reach forward” EDCH Hub has delivered a significant service that interconnects all our clients, allowing them to leverage their assets and creating a starting point to provide additional unified transactional services across the globe”. We have made an international initiative to provide a unified and consistent experience for all our operator clients on the Hub”, said Mr. Nasser Salim, General Manager EDCH.

EDCH will set up its kiosk in Hall 6, 6L60 at Mobile world congress, the largest annual event in the telecoms industry.


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