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Want to extend your gameplay? Try Sony PlayStation TV

Sony PlayStation TV was released earlier this week and has turned out be a great way of extending your play without costing you a big fortune. This micro – gaming console is much like a small box of size similar to that of a media player and fits well in to the gaming ecosystem. Just connect it to your TV and play games to your heart’s content. Though fine at this task, it is a bit slow when it comes to streaming entertainment. It is actually a PlayStation Vita in its basic form that has been fully optimized to run games on a TV screen. The game cards for PS Vita can be played on PlayStation TV. However, few of them are not compatible.
Want to extend your gameplay? Try Sony PlayStation TV
The device has in – built Remote Play capability which allows content streaming from PS4 to any other location in your home wirelessly. With the device comes the game – streaming service called the PlayStation Now which enables you to play a number of latest and older PS3 games. It also has music and movies that can be purchased or rented.
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If you have subscribed to PlayStation Plus, you can download a few free games every month. The small box takes a very little place to sit in your entertainment cabinet. At such a low cost you get access to the gaming library containing various Vita titles, PS4 remote play and PSN games. PlayStation 4 can be accessed on a different TV through remote play feature. Either through DLNA or on memory card you can store your games, music, photos and videos. Apart from the other PSP games you always have the access to PSOne classics. On the negative side the streaming – media options are quite less. You cannot stream to Amazon prime, Hulu Plus or Netflix. You will find few of the games are not compatible with PS TV. It’s quite difficult to control Vita games since it requires Vita’s touch pad and touch screen.

Vita’s screen is small and so the game designed specifically for it would look blown up when played on TV. Plus you require a proprietary PS Vita memory card for using PlayStation TV. But if you a great fan of PlayStation, this is the most inexpensive option and worth consideration. Also if you own PS4 and you can’t always access the TV connected to it, you should consider PS TV definitely. PlayStation as a standalone app won’t suffice; more apps have to be added to it. The cost of the console alone is $100 and with The Lego movie video game and DualShock 3 controller it comes to $140. The DualShock controller is required for using the console. So if you don’t have a spare, it is better to go for the bundle.


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