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Facebook tests Satire Tags for joke news stories

Facebook, a social media platform really overwhelmed everyone covering all ages & all walks of life. That’s the power of social media & technology. In this scenario of connecting to the world: by sharing, liking, commenting, tagging etc. done on Facebook website by the users. Users themselves are dumping more & more information. And coming to this information that may be in any form news, stories, quotes, happenings etc., spreading on the net as fast as much. Every reader is left to themselves in believing that information till now. But from now-onwards the situation has been changing. Facebook took this issue & introducing “Satire” Tag for Joke/Satire News stories. So,those users will be able to distinguish the real news, new sites from that of satire news websites.

Facebook tests Satire Tags for joke news stories

There are many satire websites that are publishing stories that are not real on the social media, which in turn are digested by the users as real ones & being carried away daily. And readers are confused & unable to distinguish the real news sites from that of satire websites. Readers are made scapegoats by this information, making them to believe them as if they exist really. But as per reality there will be no such things exists. This will be made clear through this one unbelievable story that makes a statement that there’s a 9,600 roller coaster or the news that makes one undergo anxiety when one reads that Middle East bombings exposing earth’s mantle. But the reader will be driven with the information they read as the news is on the famous social media network. So the reader blindly takes for granted & reposts it as he wishes, & thus this type of information passes on.

All this happened till now, but the reader will be driven with the information they read as the news is on the famous social media network. So the reader blindly takes for granted & reposts it as he wishes, & thus this type of information passes on. All this happened till now, Now Facebook in light of such posts & such information wants to alert the user through this new Satire Tag.

As per HNGN, Facebook made a test run from over a month after it received alerts & feedbacks regarding the issue of getting clarity & hints on such satirical information from other users. As per the test run, as soon as the user clicks on a satirical news story, immediately Facebook readily tags the related links to the concerned story as “satire”.

In any case there will be no chance of missing the satire tag. Facebook displays the articles headlines with satire tag, as “[Satire] FDA Recommends: article heading. Facebook has already started its test with the Onion site & is moving on to other sites also.

Though, some people are feeling against these new moves of Facebook’s intrusion into the satire information that’s meant for fun & entertainment. Facebook has taken this step as many people or users are becoming fools or scapegoats in this process of fun, satires & entertainment. So in-turn decided to give a hint to the reader/user in the form of “Satire” Tag. Even the Facebook recently made Facebook Messenger to be compulsory on mobile users is not been welcomed by the maximum user which limiting the users choice of decision to have messenger of not. Do now we have to wait & watch for this new move of Facebook’s Satire Tag. how the readers going to be reacted. on a positive welcoming note. or they wish to continue the satire posts to go on & on.

Facebook’s Satire Tag has gained importance in the light of some articles that goes on social media such as an article “tips for being an unarmed black teen”, was published in response of police shooting held in Ferguson, Missouri, lastyear’s one more news from satirical site, the daily Currant made the Washington Post to be fooled: former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was ready to join the Al-Jazeera news network, which is false one.

And in 2012, basing on the satire Onion article: the sexiest man alive Kim Jong-un on North Korean leader, the Chinese newspaper reported it as news.


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