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Tumblr Security Update: Got Two Factor Authentication

Tumblr Security Update: Got Two Factor Authentication

A two factor authentication method has been added to the log – in system of the famous blogging software tumblr. Tumblr recommends that you use it. This feature was introduced on the firm’s blog post where a comparison was made between controlling nuclear weapons system and blog. Like two keys are needed to launch a missile, similarly two keys are required for authentication. The first one is your password and second one is the phone and both are needed for accessing the dashboard.

Yahoo now owns tumblr. This two factor authentication tightens the security at the user end by putting in an extra security layer. For example, you log in using your usual password and next step would be to enter a security code that has been sent to your mobile phone. Security means a lot to everyone about which keeping in mind tumblr has introduced this feature. You can set up this two factor authentication method now itself by going to the settings page and clicking on its option.

By doing so, the firm has included itself in the group of companies that follow this method like twitter, Microsoft Xbox console and yahoo. Don’t worry if you feel confused with this proposition. You have the choice whether you want the code to be sent through your phone or an app. The code is an OTP (one time password) so you don’t have to memorize it. Using it will make your account less vulnerable to attacks.


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