Amit Singhal ex-Googler joins Uber

Google’s Former Head of Search, Amit Singhal to Join Uber

In February 2016 it became known that Amit Singhal who was Google’s former head of search, would leave the company. He has worked at Google for 15 years. When he left Google, he said he planned to focus on philanthropy.

On his personal blog he wrote that Uber can ensure a fairer distribution of transport, thereby helping the company to improve overall. The combination of millions of networked traffic, route planning and the prediction of traffic is one of the biggest challenges that computer science has to face.

The change fits well in time for the planned development of a global road map of Uber , in which the company plans to invest about 500 million USD. Google needs to face a growing competition in the Maps area. So this week, for example, the Chinese search engine company Baidu has the structure of a global Maps service announced .

Singhal is not the first ex-googler to move over. For example, Manik Gupta and Brian McClendon joined the company, both of which were involved in Google Maps.


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