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More options with Internet TV, but less time to watch

Nowadays we have the option of watching TV online, which perhaps is more pleasurable but doesn’t affects the amount of time we spend watching TV according to a new study. Stan Liebowitz, author of the study said, “Some media reports predict that because people now have access to watch anything they want, anytime they want, they will spend more time watching TV.” The data about the present trends regarding the Internet TV viewing won’t be available till 10 – 15 years from now. Therefore, the researchers have predicted about the future trends based up on the past trends.

More options with Internet TV, but less time to watch

For the study, the researchers study the data comprising the broadcast TV consumption and compared it with data of the cable TV. The findings showed that even though the variety of TV shows available had increased, there was no significant increase in the viewing time. Liebowitz said that the viewers have only 24 hours a day and therefore providing more channels won’t make them increase their viewing time. Now since the number of programs doesn’t have any effect on the TV consumption, the internet streaming media companies cannot expect to make much revenue by increased viewing times. According to Liebowitz their focus should be on the subscription revenue like that of Netflix and Hulu. However, the researchers also added that there are positive chances that the viewers might to watch TV more.

Liebowitz said, “Consumers are going to be better off as the option to watch TV via the Internet grows. If you have more choices, you are going to be able to find a program that fits what you feel like watching.” The findings of the study were published in the Journal of Cultural Economics.

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