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No multiplayer feature for the ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider

Some actual game screenshots of ‘Rise of Tomb Raider’ have been released by Nixxes Software. Much is not known about the game but so far so good. The Official Xbox Magazine has confirmed that this title of Tomb Raider won’t be having a multiplayer mode. The Xbox 360 version did look good when compared to the Xbox One version. However it is not a surprise that the company scrapped the multiplayer feature since the audience didn’t receive it well. In the new title players will control Lara fighting enemies, exploring locations and completing puzzles. The PC version will be released in quarter one of the next year and PS4 version will come in the last quarter. The Tomb Raider is being released as an Xbox One console exclusive this year in November.

No multiplayer feature for the ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider

The previous game “Tomb Raider” had a multiplayer mode which had very less features. However this time Crystal Dynamics is focussing totally on developing a great single player game. The September issue of the official Xbox magazine quoted, “With multiplayer cut from the experience, Crystal Dynamics needed to make this core campaign as entertaining as possible.” Since the Crystal Dynamics is putting all of their efforts in developing single player mode we could expect some serious long game.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a sequel to the previous game “Tomb Raider” that was released in 2013. It revolves around many elements of the previous game. A crafting feature has been introduced in to the game using which players can create items using materials found around. The game also features a harsh environment. The game has a day-night cycle and a weather system to which both animals and humans can react. More options have been introduced for sneak and stealth attacks. Now Lara will have options of climbing trees or roof tops for avoiding enemies. Lara’s bow and arrow will again be seen in this game along with her old climbing axe and pistol. A hunting knife would be an additional weapon. The release of the Tomb Raider gameplay was announced back in June.


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