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Myths and Conspiracies Surrounding Stonehenge

Earlier we heard the news about discovery of what is called a “super – Stonehenge” surrounding Stonehenge which is one of the world’s famous monuments. The Wiltshire marvel has once again gained all the attention. Europe has around 1000s of ancient stone circles out of which Stonehenge is most impressive. A number of genuine historical mysteries regarding who built it and why surround Stonehenge. Some of these are about myths and conspiracies. Historian Marc Alexander says in his book “British Folklore”, “Theoretical explanations for Stonehenge are plentiful and varied. Ley hunters — those who research imaginary lines claimed to connect important sites around the world such as the Great Pyramid — find great significance in its geographical relationship to other sites. UFOlogists gleefully point to the usual number of flying saucers reported over Wiltshire and draw obvious conclusions, and those who believe in ‘earth forces’ see it as a gigantic ‘battery’ for storing ‘terrestrial energy.’

Myths and Conspiracies Surrounding Stonehenge

Superhenge was found near Stonehenge circling it. Some claim that these stones are designed to serve as a cosmic portal to other realities. One spectator commented, “It’s said that Stonehenge is a sound resonator that when a sound is played at the right frequency and the right placement it’s supposed to have an effect. Maybe a portal to another dimension or a (alien) base.”

Many outlandish conspiracies about Stonehenge have been created in order to preserve it. The guidebooks tell the story that the visitors see only what has stood for 1000 years. But this is not entirely true since most of its parts have been moved at some point of time or other. It was moved to restore the site and preserve it and not because of any fraud, deception or hoax.

Over the years, some of the stones have fallen and nobody knows if they fell at an angle or straight. Between 1900 and 1960 more than a dozen stones were straightened and re – erected. The early depictions of Stonehenge that are found in John Constable’s painting in 1835 is very different from its present appearance. Many efforts have been made to restore it to what it might have looked like, but no one knows for sure how it looked in original state. For visitors it doesn’t matter whether the stone was 10 degrees off or 20 degrees off, since the very sight of them is inspiring enough. However, for researchers these details are extremely important. For instance, if this was an astronomical calendar, a few degrees off here and there will make a huge difference in interpretations.

National geographic writer Caroline Alexander in her article “Secrets of Stonehenge” says, “There are no texts to explain Stonehenge. Secure in its wordless prehistory it can thus absorb a multitude of ‘meanings’: temple to the sun — or the moon for that matter; astronomical calendar; city of the ancestral dead; center of healing; stone representations of the gods; symbol of status and power,” as well as more paranormal and New Age explanations.” A further research might determine its mechanics but, its purpose is likely to remain a mystery. 


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