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Just How Important Is a Wedding Anniversary Gift?

Dear gentlemen,

If you are like me you struggle to find an appropriate gift each time a gift event comes around that involves your partner. You have just bought her a well selected Christmas gift; not too expensive, shows some emotion, and tastefully wrapped, then all of a sudden, it’s Valentine’s Day. I know I need to do something romantic, but that’s a bit harder. Work & work and mission accomplished. Oh…… boy her birthday seems to come around quickly each year after Valentine’s day. Let’s see. Some tickets to that concert she mentioned last week. Yes I’ve got this sorted.

Uhggg. Our anniversary. Why did we get married so soon after her birthday anyway?

Surely we can let the anniversary slide by with a kiss and a toast.

Not on your life. That date signifies the most important day of her life. Every year added is another notch on the bedpost for her. A triumph to be recognized. And if it’s a 10th, 20th, 25th or even a 50th anniversary, well then the big guns need to be pulled out.

But what about a one of those in-between anniversaries? Does that need a gift?………….. Yes I’m afraid it does. Because if you don’t you will likely fall into the abyss that is heralded by the words (insert #) year itch.

Once that starts, well she will dream up all sorts of reasons why you’re losing interest in the whole institution. You’ll spend more time making excuses why you are still in fact interested, than you do buying gifts.

So here are the formal guidelines for an anniversary present:

The importance of an anniversary gift has been reiterated in our art and literature throughout human history. Whether it is related to years of marriage, or years of togetherness in partnership, a gift is generally given in most cultures to commemorate the chronological record. When the record is seen as a major millstone then it becomes even more important. The key anniversary millstones are generally considered to be the 20th, 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries. In these cases certain metal types are adopted to symbolize the milestone anniversary event. Platinum for 20th, silver for 25th and gold for 50th. In more recent time’s gold, silver or platinum dipped roses are often given as a gift that combines the appropriate metal, with the highly recognized symbol of love that is represented by a single rose. Gold dipped roses are frequently given for all anniversaries other than silver and platinum.

The idea of a precious metal dipped rose entered the public spotlight when the Prince of Spain gave his wife a silver dipped Eternity Rose in front of the cameras for their 25th wedding anniversary. Now they seem to be pop culture. A fortunate spotlight indeed for the manufacture, however, perhaps a neat idea for the rest of us.


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