The device, which has been codenamed osprey, was Motorola’s next flagship handset. It can be seen from the images and the video that the smartphone has got a change in design, especially at the back and looks quite different from its predecessor. The front part of the headset seems to have a front facing speaker. From the images it was also deduced that it has a 3.5 mm audio jack at the top and a micro USB port at the tail end. The rocker buttons placement was as usual on the right side of the phone. The tech times added, “The back of the phone has been changed to have an oval shape around the camera similar to the LG phones but thinner. This will be the new look for all upcoming Moto phones. There will be a new tier of Droid costing $300 that will have much better specs than the Moto G, the plan is to get users to pay $100 more for that phone instead.”
Motorola will soon unveil the phone for the market but due to leaks, the expectations from the phone have just gone up higher. Reportedly, Moto G will have many customizations for the users in the form of back covers.The device is rumored to be having a Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 chipset with 1GB of RAM. It will have 8 GB of internal storage which will be expandable via memory card. The display remains unchanged at 5 inches and will have a resolution of 720p. In addition to this, the phone may have a 13 MP primary camera with LED flash and 5 mp front facing camera for clicking great selfies and pictures. The phone will also feature the latest Android 5.1.1, Lollipop.
Image Source: YouTube