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MWC15: Simgo Exhibiting vSIM Technology for Smartphones

Mobile World Congress (MWC 2015) — Simgo was founded in 2012 and is led by a seasoned team of telecom professionals, which is supported by distribution partners crosswise three continents and backed by private investors. Simgo’s service is available currently in more than 50 countries in the Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America. Simgo presents the world’s first cloud based virtual SIM platform for every single cellular device. Simgo has revolutionized the customer ownership structure by moving SIM management to the cloud which frees the device manufacturers and the providers of cellular enabled solutions from their dependency on mobile operators permitting them to own the customers and allowing them to increase margins. The enterprise package of Simgo eliminates roaming charges and facilitates business travelers to enjoy mobile service without shuffling the SIMs while using their smart phones.

Simgo Exhibiting vSIM Technology for Smartphones

It also has launched the Software Development Kit, SDK, for its vSIM (virtual SIM) platforms which allow the developers and the manufacturers of tablets, smart phones and cellular enabled solutions in integration of Simgo’s vSIM technology within their own solutions. This technology eliminates the need of a physical SIM within any cellular device. This technology completely is MNO agnostic which ensures cellular connectivity not only anywhere on the globe but it also offers control over that network operator used as well as the ability to switch between network operators with a single click.

The Simgo technology has already drawn attention as it is the technology in which Apple has shown its interest. Apple revealed a patent, last year, which expresses that it was planning to market a kinf of vSIM, which would be enabling the users to maintain their identity regardless of telephone networks; and this year, Simgo has introduced vSIM support for iPhone6 which wipes out the cost and enhance the productivity.

Besides all these, numerous fresh developments are exhibited at the MWC, on the other hand a few of them have got the potential to shift the mobile world paradigm and Simgo’s vSIM tech has got this.
Now, the spring has landed, notifying that you people will soon be heading to the Mobile World Congress, MWC at Barcelona. This means you can have the opportunity to meet up with Simgo’s game changer tech management team at the focal event for exploring their latest technology of amazing virtual SIM card for the smart phones which can swap between hundreds of operators throughout the world.

The enthusiastic team will be located at Hall 5 Booth 5F81.


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