On Tuesday (Feb 12, 2015), DeitY, the department of electronics and information technology, had floated the beta version. It also has asked the users to comment on the idea of government i.e. crowdsourcing platform myGov.in. it was reported that multiple attempts to create an account remained useless. On each try they got the message that UID service is not responding, try again later.
The scheme of digital locker conceptualizes the placement of every Indian’s medical, educational, passport and PAN card details in digital form. The website notifies that the digital locker would allow the users to safely upload and share their documents anytime and anywhere to the authorized agencies or users. It is also mentioned that the issuer departments would also be able to push your documents link automatically which are placed in their repositories. It must also be stated that the Tata Consultancy Services and the Maharashtra government are currently maintaining the beta version of this locker. The purpose of this program is to facilitate their citizens with a hassle free and paper free governance. It is the governement’s umbrella programme comprising of several projects reaching the worth of aout Rs. 1 lac crore. It is aimed to transform the country into the economy of knowledge. Once it is complete it will also the jobs over five crore.
The projects which are subjected to facilitate the citizens ensuring easy access to government services and technology infrastructure are included in this program. The major purpose of this entire exercise is to end up the carrying hassles of these documents for personal purposes as well as for the Government related projects.