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Relive the celestial moments of Blood Moon with dazzling Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar eclipse occurred on October 8, 2014 is one of the best sky-watching events of October, 2014 mentioned on This Lunar eclipse is the second in a tetrad, a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 – 2015.

And the Full Moon of October is known as the Hunter’s Moon because it is the Full Moon following the Harvest Moon; it is also sometimes known as the “Blood Moon” or “Sanguine Moon. “It rises around sunset and sets around sunrise; this is the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all night long. The rest of the month, the moon spends at least some time in the daytime sky.

Relive the celestial moments of Blood Moon with these dazzling Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses are the most dramatic & enthralling celestial’s natural events. This eclipse is the second of the tetrad series… prior eclipse occurred on April 15, 2014, & remaining two eclipses will take place on April 8, 2015, & September 28, 2015.

Celestial moments unveiled in clean sky… It’s a real splendid treat watching super moon gradually fading to lose its illumination & turning into red hue orange ball & the orange ball gradually regained its illumination totally & super moon shines with twilight… It’s complete lunar eclipse…& a phenomenal twilight & ecliptic delight… & one of nature’s wonders that must be enjoyed to the fullest brims… & get those moments registered in the hearts memory graph as bright & as lasting images…

Our ancestors were too feared off these celestial events & they purely believed in some myths & concepts. Many myths like moon was wounded or on fire or being eaten by a dragon or engulfed by a demon.

Hindu Mythology too considers & relates eclipse to a mythological story. The story of churning of the ocean named “Ksheerasagara”. At that time of churning the ocean… Amrita, divine nectar & elixir for immortal life were emerged. So Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini to distribute divine nectar among the Devas. But a demon, Rahu comes in disguise for Amrita & haves it.  But Sun & Moon brings it into notice of Mohini, Vishnu who further cuts off the head of Rahu with Sudarshana chakra. But by that time the Amrita has reached the neck of Rahu so he will not die & remains as head & body. The head is known to be Rahu & the body as Ketu. And both have the planetary status. And due to that betrayal Sun & Moon… Rahu & Ketu goes on periodically engulfs the Sun & the Moon which we consider as Solar & Lunar eclipse. And our ancestors used to done religious rituals like taking a divine bath in holy rivers after the eclipse.

Lunar eclipse occurs when moon, Earth & sun are in a line. And Lunar eclipse occurs when a full moon faces the sun in opposite direction with the moon in the center place. And thus we have seen a moon with bright orange glow as the Earth’s shadow blocked the light of the sun which got reflected off the moon in this way of blood moon.

Lunar eclipse occurred in three stages… Penumbra, the first stage of the Lunar eclipse in which a bright white full moon entered the Earth’s outer shadow, Penumbra resulting in visible shading on one side of the moon. And a partial eclipse started when the moon has entered the Earth’s central shadow, the Umbra. It just appears as if a dark bite is taken away from the moon & as the eclipse continued further the moon moved into the Umbra region of Earth… & the edge of the moon got curved.

And the Moon entered into the third phase of the Lunar eclipse… Moon entered totally into the Earth’s central shadow region which is directly opposite to the Sun & a total eclipse occurred as a result.  And the Moon now at this point of eclipse appeared as an orange ball or orange luminous lamp glued to the sky & the moon appeared totally in a three dimensionally. And the Moon after an hour started again going through the same stages but in reverse order Moon from Earth’s central shadow region to Umbra & from Umbra to Penumbra regions & finally Moon moving out of Earth’s shadow. And again a Super Moon with its twilight appeared on the sky.

This total lunar eclipse occurred on October 8, 2014. This celestial event occurred on Tuesday night & Wednesday morning. And the total Lunar eclipse was visible with a red hue Blood moon to the celestial observers in Asia, Australia & North & south America, While parts of Australia, China and Japan. Parts of South Asia and Eastern Europe will see a partial eclipse. The penumbral phase of the eclipse was started at 01:17 AM (PDT) in Bakersfield, California on October 8, 2014 and the eclipse has ended at 6:32 AM of the same day. The Moon was totally eclipsed (totality) for about 58 minutes.

And the total lunar eclipse occurred was fully visible in Bakersfield, California, U.S. The Lunar eclipse happened worldwide. Lunar eclipses look approximately the same all over the world and happened at the same time. The Moon is above the horizon during this eclipse, so with good weather conditions in Bakersfield, the entire eclipse was clearly visible. 

This will also be a good time to see the Draconid meteor shower, which is expected to peak on October 8-9, 2014.


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