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Google in race with Amazon for Drone strategy

Now there is another race between two tech giants i.e., Google and Amazon, but on a different issue this time. The race is all about using drones for delivering products right to your door. This is a whole new turning point in the e-commerce field. Amazon recently unveiled its model of the drone. Is this really going to happen? And even if it does, how safe it would be? After Amazon it is Google trying to touch the skies with its drone project. The prototype states that it would be a reliable system capable of delivering products autonomously. Google’s latest brainchild is being prepared for takeoff. Jeff Bezos (CEO, Amazon) said that their drones are capable of carrying objects weighing up to 5 pounds. The model will be unveiled on CBS.

Amazon PrimeAir Drone

The Google drone drops an attached rope and kind of a miniature jet with few blades, somewhat like the jets in The Jetsons. Even though hopes are high in this business, there are other serious issues to be taken care of such as aviation safety, security, privacy etc. Also in some areas the use of unmanned aircrafts is prohibited. All this is being driven by the dream of quick delivery of stuff. When Amazon had put its ideas 9 months ago, it was shrugged off by many. But Google has power and finance to lift it off and this might mean it could be possible sooner than what we might be thinking.


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