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Biggest new feature for Apple iPhone will be virtual wallet

From the resources it is said that the biggest new feature for Apple iPhone will be virtual wallet. The new feature virtual wallet will be useful for the users, since it allows owners to make payments at outlet stores without using any credit card or debit card. To get this feature for the iPhone Apple has made an agreement with American Express for working together for its new iPhone payments system. The fingerprint sensor which was an option on iPhone 5S which is the current smartphone flagship, which was launched back 12 months, was the first step by the Apple moving into mobile payments, which allowed users to use their handsets in lieu of physical wallet, cash or credit card.

Biggest new feature for Apple iPhone will be virtual wallet
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The information’s show that Apple has been in negotiations in July regarding the payments with some of the credit card companies and retailers, which helps bringing a virtual wallet service ready for the next generation iPhone. It is also said that the next iPhone will be treated as the first smartphone to incorporate Near Field Technology (NFC). NFC is the secure wireless connectivity which is already used by host of European debit and cards making contact less, PIN-free, swipe-free, signature-free payments for smaller amounts.

From the reports it is also said that Bloomberg claimed that Apple has finalized their details with MasterCard, Visa and a number of banks and prominent retailers. Apple being the most popular brand smartphone in the US which is very far behind when compared with the other companies which already are providing the facilities like PayPal which is offered to the users in the US also. So the Apple which has large number of customers in US and all around world is not providing the services till now. Apple is just offering the services to its own applications like iTunes and other applications only. This will be major change for Apple iPhone 6 which the company has planned to launch on September 9.


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