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Google has opened a new office at Cambridge

Google has opened a new office at Cambridge names Kendall Square campus. The new expansion merges all the three Google Cambridge centers under one roof with an integrated facility. This increases the more interaction among the employees. “We’ve envisioned a campus instead of three separate buildings or even three connected building,” said Steve Vinter. The campus has 40,000 square feet of space, around 800 sections. It is very different for each section in the complex. The theme of the floor which is different for each section represents about various stops and neighborhoods.

Google has opened a new office at Cambridge

First Google has opened its campus in Boston in 2003 as a small advertising sales office. It has crossed the bench mark after it acquired Android Inc., which has created software for smartphones. The features of the campus are entrance has a Red Line/Kendall theme and can be seen are the many images of Charles and MIT. It is also told that in the Blue Line Section have the themes from “Logan”, which have conference rooms containing the aircraft seats built. There is a beach theme included in the Blue Line section.

It is said that the new office campus will be fun place to work and to attract employees. It is also said that there is even a slide inside the campus. Vinter said “I really believed that we needed to make this a more attractive place for people graduating from our universities to stay and work.” The Cambridge office has considerable sales team, but most of the staff is engineers who maintain a broad array of Google products and services and develop new ones.

The responsibilities of Cambridge crew are server software which is used by YouTube. They also develop the internet browser for Google Chrome and also a search option for flight availability which is used by users for planning their travel and check the other options.  The new expansion makes more space for new employees, and Vinter said Google is always hiring. “Right now there are probably 15 or 20 projects that are looking for software engineers, and there are opening in advertising sales,” he said.


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