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Amazon makes its very first Smartphone debut – Fire Phone

Amazon makes its very first Smartphone debut

The much awaited Smartphone, Fire Phone from Amazon is out now and if you like it you can get it from AT&T according to the reports. AT&T is the exclusive carrier for this Amazon handset. This might take you to the news iPhone news of 2007 when AT&T and Apple was supposed to have an exclusive agreement for selling the phone, but it didn’t came out well. The rumors about the Amazon Smartphone started back in 2011. So far Amazon had been stuck with e – readers and tablets. But since then Amazon’s phone rumors have been making headlines every now and then.

Amazon makes its very first Smartphone debut - Fire Phone

According to a report from journal, 3D images can be viewed on this phone without those special 3D glasses. It has 4 front racing cameras built on retina – tracking technology for making images appear as in a 3D hologram. As to the Amazon’s Appstore selection of apps and games it has nearly tripled and now has around 240,000. Well this is not the first time Amazon and AT&T have been together. Amazon sells its Kindle Fire HDX 4G LTE version tablets through AT&T mostly even though it provides an option for Verizon. The device will be launched in Seattle. Now Amazon will have another new addition to its whole arsenal of the services and products. But Amazon will have a tough time gaining attention of the consumers who are already into Samsung and Apple Smartphones.

Check Features & Specifications Here

Also Read – Amazon to Release 3D Smartphone


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