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Why Train? Cardio exercises are good for raising the heart rate

FAT – a three letter word that the world is obsessed with these days. Although technology has made “life” easier these days, yet there is no ME TIME for most of us. Result – wrong food habits and tiredness from the peaks and throughs of the body insulin levels.

Why Train? Cardio exercises are good for raising the heart rate
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We all want to lose the unwanted fats from our bodies – ideally the Body Fat percentage should be just 15% or lower. The rest of the composition should be Muscle Mass. Fad diets eat into our muscles and lower our metabolism – that’s why when we get back to normal eating, the weight piles on again – maybe more this time.

So the question is “Why Train”…

Cardio exercises are good for raising the heart rate and bringing the body into a fat burning zone. It does not help with increasing the lean muscle of the body which naturally diminishes with age. Loss of muscle mass has a direct effect by increase in the body fat percentage – so USE it or you will LOSE it ! Formula is simple: more muscle mass = more calories burnout.

Endless hours of panting in the gym with cardio exercises may not be as beneficial as just two to three strength training sessions a week for 20 to 30 minutes each. Moreover, simple muscle training will not bulk up women as the current mindset is – it is not just a ‘guy’ thing.

Strength training can be started at any age and gradually the resistance can be increased with improvements in fitness levels. It has several advantages like sharpening focus, controling weight, building stamina and increasing metabolism.

Well the next question maybe is it necessary to go to a gym to be able to train with all the fancy gym equipment….

The answer is NO – although Gyms do have all the weight & resistance machines that make strength training easier with focus on each muscle group, it can also be done at home for beginners to build up their fitness levels. Body weight exercises & free weights (bar bells, kettle belles, dumbells) are perfect to start with – there are so many vidoes that detail out strength training sessions that can be done in the privacy of your home.

Once the muscles are worked out, it is critical to give “recovery” time to your body – one day rest between strentght training sessions for specific muscle groups is prescribed. Your body will tell you when you feel overdone – so listen to it carefully and do not neglect it. Some soreness is normal. Result from strength training is quick – your movements will improve and so will your stamina in just a few sessions leading to a stronger, more determined you.

So pave your way to fitness, both n the body & mind – combine your cardio with structured strength training execrcises to get optimal long term results!

Here’s to a happier & healthier you…


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