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Google announces project Tango

Google announces project Tango

Google has announced project tango technology, thus advancing further into the 3D imaging sphere. The aim of the project is to create a full 3D space mapping for the mobile devices just in the same way as the humans perceive notion of space and motion through computer vision tools and other robotics. After all, Google is known for looking value in places where no one else thinks of. Charles King (principal analyst, Pund – IT) said that the earlier Google projects such as the Google maps and Google earth are based upon the macro view concept providing valuable context. Whereas, Project Tango reverses the telescope to provide a micro view of homes, rooms, locales etc. the idea behind this is that insights from such enclosed spaces will be of value to the users.

The prototype Smartphone consists of software for tracking motion in 3D and creating a map and a number of sensors. With these sensors the phone is capable of capturing around quarter million measurements in 3D. The phone updates its orientation and position every second i.e., in real time. A 3D model of the physical space is created by collating the data. This technology is a worth an investment for the future applications as said by Jim McGregor (principal analyst, Tirias Research).

Google Tango

He also pointed out that apart from just 3D imagery, the sensors can help in detecting the radiation, gases, heat and so on. Presently Google has made available only 200 such Smartphones for the developers. The device runs on android with Unity Game Engine. It has many APIs and developer tools. The project has limitless applications. For example, you can use for capturing your home dimensions before you go for furniture shopping.

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