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Now Chromebooks too with Linux

Now Chromebooks too with Linux

For all the Linux and Chromebook fans out there, looks like the Google had come up with an exotic match for you. The new Chromebooks have ditched the chrome operating system and adopted the latest version of the Linux OS (kernel 3.9 version). The two are very well compatible with each other which is an interesting facet of the Linux development. Keeping the importance of the chromebooks for the Linux users, Google has succeeded in embedding the Linux coding in to its Chromebooks.

A Linux user understands the importance of a good kernel and how much it is important for an open source operating system. A kernel facilitates the communication between the resources and the basic hardware. One uses it for effectively managing the resources. Such kind of kernel version is also used by the Android OS but, there is a big difference between this one and the one used by the Chrome operating system.

The chromebook uses a high – end version of the kernel for executing the Linux applications whereas the Android runs on a less – sophisticate one. Recently, Ubuntu launched ChrUbuntu which is the Ubuntu version for the chrome platform. The Ubuntu users were successful in implementing the Linux platform on chromebook. Earlier, there was a lot of worrying about customization of the distro. Attention fans! Even this problem has been addressed. You don’t have to bother anymore about how to customize your distro.

The 3.9 kernel consists of all the drivers that a chromebook requires to run Linux. Google has its own custom version of Linux which in future might be replaced by the Debian version. The Debian might become the default image type for the compute engine of the search engine giant.


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