Nani and Keerthy Suresh starrer “Nenu Local” is an action-romantic movie from tollywood (Telugu language). Directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and produced by Dil Raju, the movie revolves around the love story of Babu...
Dil Raju is known for his hit family entertainment movies such as “Mr. Perfect”, “Bommarillu”, etc. Now he has produced “Shatamanam Bhavati” on similar lines. The inherent family bonding and sentiment that have been...
Sardaar Gabbar Singh Movie Review – Fans have been eagerly waiting for this Pawan Kalyan starrer and now it’s finally out. Most of us have been thinking that this will be a sequel to the earlier movie of the same...
Sunil, our very talented actor is again back on the big screen with a routine family entertainment flick after a gap of two years. ‘Krishnashtami’ released today. Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect. Sunil plays...
When Pyaar ka Punchnama 1 first released, it broke the norm of Bollywood love stories and the franchise continues to do the same with its sequel. Produced by Panorama Studios Production and Viacom 18 Motion Pictures...
“Bruce Lee – The Fighter” is another action movie that promises a good combination of everything – action, romance, family drama and of course comedy! The movie has quite a usual story that almost gets predictable in...