For some time now Facebook has been running a mission that revolves around connecting the next billion users to internet. To take this forward Facebook is taking another step in the direction by launching a programme...
“Bruce Lee – The Fighter” is another action movie that promises a good combination of everything – action, romance, family drama and of course comedy! The movie has quite a usual story that almost gets predictable in...
A recent study has indicated that the popular belief that Vitamin D or calcium can help to cut colon cancer risks may in fact be a myth. The study rejected the common perception that Vitamin D and calcium can help you...
Microsoft has finally launched its first laptop on Tuesday along with a few other devices that come powered with Windows 10. The new devices will have some features that include a fast and safe login with Windows Hello...
Environmental studies have always been useful in revealing the present state of climate and other geographical features but in recent times such studies have only brought bad news. An important study led by Dr. Nicholas...
Amazon had organized an open sale for OnePlus 2 smartphone yesterday which didn’t require any invites. For those who couldn’t seize the opportunity yesterday, today you have a chance. Amazon India is hosting the...
NASA has been actively engaging in many activities recently like shooting world’s first UHD 4K video in space, capturing pictures of Indo-Pak border and so on. The American Space Agency is now being heard of funding...
As Pele took the stage on NHSM this Monday, we could hear the Samba along with dhaks playing to the rhythm and fireworks lighting up the evening sky. Mir and Boria Majumdar – sports journalist hosted this 55 minute show...
Water is perhaps the second most important thing in a human’s life, the first being air. The only problem with clean and drinkable water is that it is not abundant anymore. The rising levels of pollution and...
Swine flu has struck yet again and this time it has claimed three lives, one each in Pune, Latur and Kohlapur. Apart from the deaths, condition of other 19 patients is said to be critical at this point of time. Of the...