jeff sessions

Jeff Sessions considers Guantanamo Bay as a good place for captured terrorists

Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that Guantanamo Bay is well equipped to handle recently captured terrorists and he would recommend sending them there to President Trump.

Guantanamo Bay located on the Southern shores of Cuba is a magnet for controversy. Human rights groups have always been critical of the ways detainees are treated there, some even alleging that prisoners are tortured there mercilessly. Former President Barack Obama has been a vocal opponent of the prison as well. His Government wanted to shut down the prison permanently but it never came to fruition.

Recently Guantanamo Bay has been making waves again since President Donald Trump tweeted about 122 former detainees of Guantanamo Bay. The tweet read, “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” However, intelligence report state that 113 of those detainees were actually released during George W Bush’s tenure.

Now Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General has brought up Guantanamo Bay during a radio show on Thursday. He stated that Guantanamo Bay is well equipped to handle recently captured terrorists and he would recommend sending them there to President Trump. He also added that he has visited Guantanamo Bay a number of times when he was a Senator and he has never favored the idea of shutting it down.

Sessions said “there’s plenty of space” at the prison for terrorists who’ve recently been detained by the military.

“We are well equipped for it,” Sessions said. “It’s a perfect place for it. Eventually, this will be decided by the military rather than the Justice Department. But I see no legal problem whatsoever with doing it.”

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