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FileCloud to roll out a major update in November

With the advancement in mobile and cloud technologies, the security problems for enterprise data have also been increasing. With the insufficient infrastructure to handle these problems, IT department is far stretched out. The year isn’t over yet and has recorded more than 395 severe data breaches already! Today companies should be prepared in every sense to safeguard their data assets. Failure to do so can result in a tarnished reputation with financial losses. Now just the parameter defenses aren’t sufficient.

With its new version of FileCloud, CodeLathe promises much secure enterprise data services that span across your business – from workforce to your customers and provide effective protection too! Result is you can share, sync or access data from anywhere and anytime. FileCloud integrates with your infrastructure and allows you to have a self – hosted storage.

The upcoming version will provide new and improved features such as effortless synchronization across all platforms, high performance, file versioning, remote block and data wipe and custom branding options. The FileCloud solution can be expanded to accommodate the needs of a million users by virtue of its stateless architecture which also gives high redundancy.

CodeLathe is headquatered in Austin, Texas and provides solutions for private cloud file sharing for IT and business. The solutions include options for self-hosted, White label, file share, sync and mobile access. CodeLathewas founded back in 2008 by MadhanKanagavel, an open source enthusiast and developer.  It now serves more than 2000 enterprises across 55 countries. There is no denying that having one’s own sync platform beefs up the security and on-premise solutions by CodeLathegive top notch file sharing and mobile access services.

Currently the company provides two products – FileCloud (for business) and Tonido (for consumers). FileCloud is also offering a Service Provider Edition (SPE) for MSPs to enable a multi-tenant and end-to-end Enterprise file share and sync solution. The SPE is available in three versions – Basic, Advanced and Premium. These three versions offer web branding, desktop branding and a combination of the two respectively. Tonido and FileCloud seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure.The service providers can host the FileCloud solutions on IAAS providers or their own data centers. The update will be available in the coming month.

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