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Contexeo will be exhibiting at WebSummit 2015 in Dublin

Contexeo will announce at the Web Summit the first version of Mapwize, a groundbreaking indoor geolocation and mapping platform. Mapwize allows users to visualize instantly the interior of any building, position themselves, discover their surroundings, and get directions. Besides helping them in their everyday activities, the app can save their life in case of an emergency. Mapwize is the perfect extension to traditional outdoor maps.
Mapwize manages all kind of content used to enhance existing indoor and outdoor maps, as for example products in a shop, pieces of art in a museum, phone charging stations in an airport, seats in a concert hall, booths in an exhibition, and more. First aid kits locations, AEDs, emergency exits or extinguishers can be added to the map and become very important in case of emergencies. Different types of contents are grouped in multiple categories and can be displayed depending on user preferences and context. Tight integration between indoor and outdoor worlds allows Mapwize to give directions to any location, may it be inside or out. 

About Contexeo 
Contexeo is a French startup created in 2014 by Mederic Morel and Mathieu Gerard developing Mapwize, an indoor mapping platform. Contexeo is located in EuraTechnologies, cluster dedicated to new technologies in Lille, France. 


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