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Google Delivering Fiber Internet to Southeast

This winter, A much speedy internet is being routed to Southeast.

Plans for Google fiber has just been broadcasted by the Google. This would be the rebellious internet connection of the company which once Google correlated to a public service. Vice President of Google Fiber, Dennish Kish, communicated on Fiber blog that this very gigabit connection is being routed to four metro regions all in Southeast US. Those areas include Raleigh-Durham, N.C., Nashville, Atlanta, and Charlotte, N.C. This territory swath includes total 18 cities. Kish has written that it is a long term investment to bring Google Fiber to these cities. They have been operating carefully with the city leaders on a mutual planning process over the past year for getting their territories prepared fir Google Fiber. He also mentions that the real hard work has just begun.

Google has to coordinate with local governments for ensuring that the framework is engaged before introducing the Fiber to the public. Construction of utility poles must be done, and in some of the areas, underground passage will lead Google Fiber to vicinities within the cities. The Charlotte Observer reports that the installation symbolizes an extensive utility project. City officials have also pleaded Google to turn out to be one of the upcoming contenders to collect the service.

Google Fiber

And thousands of miles of Google Fiber, the real physical fiber-optic line, will have to be placed based on findings of previous installations. Krish makes it into writing that several months can be taken to complete this process, after that implementation and construction can be started.

The Charlotte Observer also includes remarks from Google’s Jill Szuchmacher, who communicated to the locals that their city would be coming immediately after this to receive Fiber, at the declaration that they will, at a time, build one area. This would not be the immediate flip of a switch. Businesses and residents of the cities selected for this round would be enjoying the internet connections, once it is completed. Fiber has already been installed by the Google in Provo, Utah, that was one which received it first in the country. It is also in two other cities i.e. Austin, Texas and Kansas City, Mo. They are still processing the expansion plans, Google broadcasted, in the West, which involves the cities of Portland, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Ore., San Jose, Calif, and San Antonio.

It would only be leaving the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, the Upper Midwest and Deep South as the neighboring regions without Google Fiber, if those plans hold. Download speeds of 1000Mbps can be attained through Fiber. That is certainly much faster than the connection you are using at the moment. This much fast internet speed means Fiber can totally alter how users and small businesses use and access the online data. It would be taking 4 minutes and 40 seconds to download 100 pictures with the 10Mbps connection, based on Google’s calculations. However, that process will take only 3 seconds using Fiber. Fiber, complete with DVR controls, also provides a television service.


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