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Research to bring an end to Breast Cancer

The most common cancer that affects women worldwide is the breast cancer. Being the second most common cancer in the world, it still is a dreaded facet of life. The year of 2013 recorded around 1.7 million affected women and the number is rising. It is perhaps because it knows no boundaries and is more prevalent in poor countries. It can affect a woman even if it’s nowhere in her family history. Sometimes it may not even show warning signs. Even though the world is developing, there is a high mortality rate. This is because of lack of treatment availability. On the other side at home, a number of social and economic barriers preventing women from getting diagnosis. If not stopped, nearly 13 million women will die of cancer in the coming years.

Research to bring an end to Breast Cancer

Researchers at BCRF (breast cancer research foundation) have been looking for answer to this problem. The research has dug out new facts about this malicious cancer and may even revolutionize the treatment. Scientists have discovered stem cells of breast cancer which are at the root of this disease. This may allow them to find methods of targeting the disease and stop it at an early stage. The cancer cells can be stopped from progressing and at the stage of metastasis too. The understanding about the inheritable nature of the breast cancer has reached a new level and 2 new mutations namely BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been discovered. The more researchers find out regarding these genes, the better risk will be predicted and accordingly doctors will be able to formulate medicine to prevent this deadly disease. Scientist have found out that breast is not one but many diseases. Each of these diseases has a different development cycle and therefore responds to therapies in different manners.

Scientists are now focussing up on studying these subtypes so that personalized treatments can be developed. Since the cancer also has the same uniqueness as that of the patient one – treatment – for – all – patients has been abolished. Now more precision treatment and individualized therapy is being developed resulting in more effective treatment with lesser side effects. Immunotherapy is the main topic under research now. It is concerned with strengthening our immune system so that any tumour like growths are blocked. Development of vaccines is encouraged. These vaccines will be combined with other therapies for getting improved outcomes and stopping cancer at an early stage. Metastasis is the main stage at which the cancer spreads rapidly. Unfortunately this area has been under – researched. But now funds are pouring in for research in this area. Researchers are working to know why breast cancer spreads and recurs? Around half a billion dollars have been raised by BCRF for research in this field.


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